

09 July 2012

PDAM Tirtanadi Providing Clean Water for Medan City

PDAM Tirtanadi, or Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Tirtanadi, is the local government-owned water utility company that provides clean water for the residents of Medan, the third largest city in Indonesia. Established in 1973, PDAM Tirtanadi is responsible for the management and distribution of clean water throughout the city and its surrounding areas.

One of the main goals of PDAM Tirtanadi is to ensure that the people of Medan have access to clean and safe water, as water quality and availability can be a challenge in many parts of Indonesia. The company operates multiple water treatment plants and reservoirs to ensure a continuous supply of clean water, with a total daily production capacity of around 1,400 liters per second.

PDAM Tirtanadi has also implemented a number of initiatives to improve water quality and conservation in Medan. This includes the development of a water conservation program that aims to encourage the public to use water more efficiently and to reduce wastage. The company has also introduced a water metering system, which helps to ensure that customers are billed accurately and fairly for their water usage.

Despite its efforts, PDAM Tirtanadi faces challenges such as aging infrastructure and limited funding for infrastructure improvements. In recent years, the company has also faced criticism over billing and service issues, prompting calls for reforms to improve the delivery of services to customers.

Overall, PDAM Tirtanadi plays a crucial role in providing clean and safe water to the people of Medan, and it will continue to face challenges as it works to improve water quality and service delivery for its customers.

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